nagu igal ilusal lool, on ka selle oma algus: ammu-ammu, nii mõni päev tagasi, potsatas mu kirjakasti e-mail waterdogi kontserdi kuulutuse ja inteka pakkumisega. tubli ja aus timurlane, nagu ma olen, haarasin kohe võimalusel kõigist kolmest jalast ja otsustasin asja kaema minna, ehk pakkub minu alarafineeritud maitsele ka midagi. aga enne kui siirdun piduliku osa juurde, teile väike waterdogi biograafia, et ikka teaks millega tegu:
waterdog loodi aastal 1997 ning praeguse koosseisu omandas 1999. liikmeid on neil siis 4 ja nendeks on:
Martin Ekelund; vokaal ja bass
Matta Persson; kitarr ja vokaal
Patrik Berglin; kitarr
Daniel Persson; trummid
et muusika poole pealt on tegu poprockiga ja neilt on praeguseks ilmunud 3 ep’d ja üks täispikk album. ja igasugune muu info ilmub teie teadvusse järgneva jutu sisust.
tulles siis teemasse tagasi, oli lubatud kontserdi ajaks 9 ja siis ma rõõmsalt sinna selleks ajaks jõudsingi. tüng, kontsert ei alanud sellel kellaajal, lükati hoopis pikaks ajaks edasi. mingil hetkel saabus minu kaasvõitleja paink oma kruuga ja otsustasime siis aja sisustamise mõttes minna värskesse õhku “tuulutama” ning sealt tagasi tulles olid asjaosalised ülevoolavalt heas tujus ning kontsert võis meie poolest alata.
mingil kaardistamata hetkel peale 11 asi algaski. ja päris lustakalt. mingeid konkreetselt detaile on väga raske välja tuua, kuid esialgne eelarvamus, et on mingi saastane kolledþirokk, sai küll korraliku tagasilöögi, tegu oli hoopis gootiroki sugemetega gruuviva poprokiga. tüübid olid pillikäsitsemises osavad ning heli oli ka täitsa pandav, veitsa võib-olla mõjus nende jaoks häbistavalt see, et kohal oli vaid mingi 25 inimest, aga aga, leidus ka inimesi, kes täiega kaasa kargasid, üks nendest, jäi kohe eriti silma oma liikumisosavuse ja kaasaminevusega. teised laulud möödusid kõrvust linnutiivul, aga viimane lugu, mille nime kohta mul pole aimugi, sobis nagu maasikas kõrvaauku, selline stonerilaadne kiire värk. et siis see asi lõppeski nende poolt. sai paink kaasa pakitud ning intekat küttima mindud. nagu oskajad ikka, otsustasime kõigepealt küsida ka pealtvaatajate arvamusi ning sihikule jäi see tüüp, kes kõige rohkem kaasa hüppas-elas-kisas.
paink: tere, et sooviksime veitsa teie arvamusi selle asja kohta.
no ikka saab.
paink: et millist muusikat muidu kuulate?
noh, soomes on kuradi flaming sideburns ja muud siuksed head bändid. ja rootsis on hellacopters.
ja flaming sideburnsi 2 plaati on mul kodus olemas. ning olen lasknud neist koopiaid kõigile teha, sest eestis ei ole selliseid asju lihtsalt müügil! mingid kuradi sulod ja sellised on ainult müügil.
paink: aga him?
fuck him.
ahti: mida te arvate sellest bändist?
väga hea bänd, tõeline lavabänd. et hea kui inimene saab ennast reede õhtul vabalt hea muusika saatel tundma. miks peaksin ma minema seda äiad-ämmad vaatama? mingu teised sinna ja kuulaku oma kuradi ivo linnat ja sulot.
ahti: olete selle bändiga enne tuttav?
ei, sest ei olegi vaja tutvuda, sest see on puhas rokenroll.
ahti: olete ennegi world clinicu üritustele sattunud?
ei ole. ma tunnen kojameest, tore inimene. ja vanad tuttavad, kes on temaga tülli läinud, otsivad ta uuesti üles, sest koht on tore. ja ma kujutan ette, et kohast saab veel toredama koha teha ja igasuguseid mölakaid siia külastama ei tule.
paink: kas oksmaa võiks siin esineda?
loomulikult mitte.
paink: miks?
oksmaa mingu …
ahti: et täname kommentaaride eest ja võib-olla kohtume siin veel kontserditel.
olge tänatud minu vastuste eest teile, aga oksmaa, jumala pärast, võite siia kutsuda, aga siis võtame kõik mädad tomatid ja porgandid ja juurikad ja muud mis iganes kaasa. ja teeme talle ära.
paink: a mis su nimi on? vana oled?
andres, 41. vanainimene, aga näen välja nagu noor!
järgmine sihtmärk oli meie jaoks mänekas, kes sattus meie silme alla peldiku juurde minnes.
paink: why you organise all those shows in latvia? how come?
because i started organising swedish showcase events, and that lead to these. we’ve been organising shows in baltic states, latvia, estonia, lithuania and kaliningrad. and we gonna continue in poland and ukraine also.
paink: was it easy to book all these concerts?
no, not so easy, but it worked. it easy to book it when it’s question of money.
ja siis sai juba sisenetud world clinicu kontoriuberikku, kuhu oli kogunenud 3 bändiliiget. suurest kiirustamisest ja muidu ähmi täis, sai kohe huvi tuntud, et kus neljas on, aga sai siis intekaga alustatud. esimene küsimus sai enda poolt rebitud, kuigi paink oli valmis kohe ise aktiivseks hakkama.
ahti: how did you came up with the name waterdog? how does it represent what the band is about?
martin: the name is just a name. we just picked it up. we wanted a name with a connection to animals.
paink: ok. why didn’t you pick a name like blink166?
martin: i don’t know. that band didn’t excist when we started.
paink: what band?
martin: blink182.
ahti: how do you classify your music? how would you describe the sound?
patrik: hardcore porn.
ahti: only hardcore porn?
martin: don’t really know, somekind of poprock
daniel: porn poprock.
daniel: rock with lot of harmonies. and porn.
paink: 98% of harmony and 2% of…
ahti: what are of your main influences and personal favourites?
matta: my favorite is martin actually.
daniel: my favorite as well.
matta: we all sleep in the same bed when we’re on the tour.
martin: we actually do.
paink: and you also have an intercourse?
martin: no, not exactly.
matta: not yet. the bed is like 1.20 wide.
paink: i wanted to ask, whether you gonna score tonight?
martin: no.
matta: no.
paink: why not?
martin: because i have a grilfriend.
paink: allright. you’re not cheating?
martin: no.
matta: the girl are the main influence.
daniel: that’s why we play rock’n’roll: because of girls.
ahti: do you get lots of women because of playing in a band?
matta: yeah.
paink: how often do you get laid after a gig?
matta: tonight is the first night without.
paink: why do you think so?
matta: we have to leave early to play in jekabspils. so… maybe there.
martin: we are not that kind of guys, you know.
ahti: and your main influences?
martin: my main? what that could be..? oh, like i said: girls.
ahti: what kind of music do you like?
martin: i like everything: drum’n’bass, heavy metal, pop.
paink: i had an idea that you we’re something like a collegerock, and then you turned into kind of gothrock?
martin: gothrock? no no.
paink: you image is kind of.. you know what i’m going to say?
martin: yeah.
patrik: ville valo! fucking guy, we hear about him all the time.
martin: when we did the first tour in baltic, the sent us some pictures from latvia of ville valho
patrik: the ville valo.
martin: yeah, THE ville valo. i saw him for the first time 8 months ago.
paink: and then changed your image?
martin: no, i’ve always looked like this.
patrik: that’s true, we never knew about him, before we came here last november. everyone was talking about him. we were like confused? what him? him pictures, him cds, him this and that, ok, we get the picture now.
martin: we played in a festival in limbazhi latvia, and everybody were shouting “ville valo” and we didn’t understand a thing.
patrik: we have a comic show in sweden called “ville valo victory”, we thought they were talking about it.
paink: why is your tour called “baltic summer battle”?
matta: ask our manager.
martin: don’t know.
paink: but the “battle” sound kind of..
matta: well, it’s a battle of love. our love for baltics.
paink: i know that’s a lie!
martin: i know that’s not a lie.
patrik: it think it’s because we’ve travelled so fucking much, up and down, up and down, country after a country. it’s quite hard really, it’s not like a vacation.
paink: how did you get so good tourmanager?
matta: we found him in a toilet.
martin: don’t know, we got a change to play here for the first time and he was the guy who arranged everything and then we hooked up with him.
matta: the guy is good.
patrik: he arranged a tour called swedish showcase, and it was we and the confusions from sweden, and we played here. since then he’s been managing to get us more and more shows.
martin: i won’t complain, i mean, i rather play here than in sweden.
ahti: are you popular in sweden?
martin: depends on who you ask.
ahti: i’m asking you. what do you think?
martin: it depends on who you ask 🙂 maybe in some areas.
matta: maybe in southern areas of sweden, where we come from. there we have a fanbase and here aswell.
patrik: if they’d just give us a change on a big change… we’re a great band.
martin: how much on tour? we play more in latvia then here. and we have more fans in latvia then here ofcourse.
daniel: maybe we’ll get famous on estonia too, it depends on aivar.
paink: have you met a band called brainstorm?
daniel: we’ve heard about them.
paink: never met them?
martin: no. i don’t know where they come from.
paink: from latvia.
matta: yeah, they got good songs.
patrik: one of their songs was in eurovision song contest.
paink: what is your favorite song by them?
patrik: it’s… i don’t know the songnames, but i’ve heard the songs on radio.
ahti: one of your songs remind brainstorm a bit.
martin: really?
paink (pöördub patriku poole): i liked your shirt, when you performed.
patrik: my shirt?
paink: it’s really sexy.
ahti: what separates waterdog from other bands?
martin: eee… we’re good-looking.
paink: that’s all?
martin: umm… i don’t know.
paink: the audience here kind of liked you.
matta: we liked them too.
ahti: where does the inspiration and emotion for your songs come? are you expressing personal experiences or are they from a more conceptual perspective?
matta: girls, girls, and girls.
martin: it’s just experience.
patrik: good girls and bad girls. one of the albums is about a relationship with a girl who he left.
martin: i had a girlfriend a couple of years ago, who was drinking too much, and i don’t want to live with a that kind of woman. you can call her an alcoholic. i think the album is totally about her.
paink: you don’t mind that martin is the only guy, who comes up with material?
patrik, matta: no, it’s ok.
ahti: heh…. it was my next question.
patrik: oh, tuff luck. what’s your next?
ahti: name some outstanding swedish bands.
martin: outstanding?
matta: i like the hives.
ahti: abba?
martin: i like abba.
paink: they are in means of talent, not in mean of good song or whatever.
martin: no, a few good song, but i think they’re also outstading.
patrik: i think the hellacopters.
ahti: how was your live? what was your best live?
martin: of all times?
ahti: of all times.
martin: oh…
daniel: in our hometown, a few months ago, a really good gig, friends and family and fans…
paink: is it good to play to fans?
patrik: no, i don’t like that. i like more playing to people i don’t know.
martin: yeah. the last gig in limbazhi was also good.
patrik: valmiera. do you know valmiera?
ahti: yes.
patrik: yeah, two days ago was good.
ahti: how was the current live compared to the best live?
matta: this live to the best live?
ahti: yes.
matta: that’s a tricky question…
paink: how many people do you usually get to a concert?
patrik: 300, 400, sometimes 500.
paink: and this live was…
patrik: and this live was like 25…
martin: it doesn’t matter, they paid to see us, so we have to do our show anyway.
matta: we don’t care whether there is 20 people or 2000 people.
martin: yeah.
paink: that’s a lie, and you know it 🙂
martin: no no. it’s not. 20 peole paid to see us.
patrik: we just go out and do our best.
ahti: if you could play a dream bill, who would be on it?
patrik: we wouldn’t want too good bands.
martin: i think i would play with the police.
patrik: yeah, that’s a good answer.
paink: sound kind of like indie? you like indie music?
martin: no, not that much.
patrik: i like led zeppelin. that’s not indie, is it?
paink: no 🙂
ahti: what do you know about estonia?
patrik: daniel knows.
daniel: yeah, yeah, the biggest lake is called peipsi, and you highest mountain is, i think, 318m.
paink: where do you know all this?
daniel: cause i red it. and… well, i’ve lost all my numbers now. it’s a bit hard to say. but i know something about estonia.
patrik: the city of narva is in here?
paink: yeah.
ahti: what do you see in future for waterdog?
martin: we will probably break up. umm… i don’t know. we have to live that far.
paink: is there gonna be a next album?
martin: yeah, ofcourse.
patrik: we’ve already recorded a half of album, so… ofcourse it’s going to be an album, but it’s a question of money.
ahti: you want to become famous and rich?
martin: no, i don’t care about that, as long as i can live on my own terms: music and so.
ahti: do you live on music?
martin: no, just a little bit.
paink: what’s your real occupation?
martin: i don’t have any.
paink: that’s cool.
martin: yeah.
ahti: anything else you`d like to say?
patrik: that we’d like to come back. and that next time there would be much more people. and that you spread the rumour. and… what more?
ahti: i guess we have to do that 🙂
patrik: yeah, ofcourse.
martin: just like i said before, we rather play here than in sweden.
paink: because of women?
matta: the women?
patrik: you’re now getting us confused.
paink: do you like the women here?
martin: ofcourse.
matta: very much.
paink: how are they compared to finnish women?
patrik: no, not that good 🙂
ahti: ok, that seems to be it. thank you for the interview and i hope we’ll see you again soon.
the band: bye.
ekskursioon waterdog’i kontserdile + intervju